Need to steady the ship right NOW?
You’re invited to an Intensive Couples Counseling Seminar.
The process of counseling takes time; want to accelerate it?
Hard work is necessary either way; but if you want to stabilize your ship NOW, come join this event.
You have in your hands the most beautiful commodity there is, the stabilizing building block of your family, your marriage. I’m inviting you to join us for 12 hours of focused work on this deeply important relationship. Consider it a couples’ counseling bootcamp.
You may be a good candidate for the program if you routinely experience the following with your partner:
Molehills into mountains fights
Feeling like roommates
Relentless frustration – feeling stuck
Everything turns into a fight, instantly!
Come join me along with other highly qualified counselors who will engage in teaching, training, coaching, and counseling to get your feet underneath you. Do you want to have a relationship that you can be proud of? In the program we’ll dig into the following:
Understand what is fueling the frustration fire inside
Learn that you’re not alone in your struggles
Discover how to speak up regarding your experience
Open the communication pathways between you and your partner
My team of licensed professionals will, with focused attention and guidance, offer directive feedback to work with a variety of challenges. Add this to your current counseling or engage in the program as a way to get the stage set for faster results in future couples’ counseling.
We will teach and then practice the tools so that you can go home knowing what if feels like to make it through a difficult conversation with your partner, which might not have happened for you two in years!
Give me a call at (512) 200-2956. Let’s see if we can get you both heading in the right direction.